What is an axolotl?
Before we dive into this fact-filled, mind-blowing educational article, we need to find out the basics. So what is an axolotl? According to an old Aztec legend, the first axolotl was the god of fire and lightning, Xolotl who changed his form in order to avoid being sacrificed— Axolotl also means, “water monster” in the Nahuatl language. Scientists believe that axolotls descended from salamanders that roamed the land but reverted to water because it offered a survival advantage.
Where to find them?
These lovely amphibians can now be found all over the world, but they are only native to the freshwater of Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in the Valley of Mexico. Or if you are interested in the Minecraft axolotl you can find them in lush cave biomes.
Their diet
Don’t let their cuteness fool you, axolotls are carnivorous; they consume small prey such as mollusks, worms, insects, other arthropods and small fish in the wild. Axolotls locate their food by smell, and will “snap” at any potential meal, sucking their food into their stomachs with a vacuum-like force (I know that’s creepy).
Axolotl superpowers
Axolotls may initially seem like a harmless water lizard, but little did you know they are the Superman of the animal kingdom or Deadpool (if you’re into Marvel). Axolotls are actually a common research topic for biologists, and scientists, thanks to their amazing ability to regenerate lost or damaged limbs, hearts, eyes, spinal cords, and even parts of their head—all without scarring (That’s freaky).
In the lab
If you thought axolotls were freaky before, wait until you find out about the firefly axolotl. Firefly axolotls are an artificially-made morph in which typically the tails of two individuals are swapped. Fireflies were first created by Lloyd Strohl II (Strohl's Herptiles) as part of his research on the distribution of melanocytes in axolotls, particularly in mosaic axolotls.
Fun facts!
Axolotls are critically endangered
As with other amphibians, the axolotl has a three-chambered heart.
The axolotl is unique in that they retain some of their juvenile traits through their life. Unlike how we lose our baby teeth, the axolotl keeps its feathery gills and tadpole-like dorsal fin for its entire life.
We hope you found this article helpful. But more importantly, we hope this article has helped you see behind the axolotls’ adorable perl eyes and see what a lovely, freaky little animal they are.
